Inner Cleansing Program
Detoxification; are toxins the reason you are feeling so unwell?
Are you often tired and lethargic?
Do you regularly suffer from bloating, diarrhoea, constipation or other digestive disturbances?
Do you get recurrent headaches?
Are you regularly suffering from muscle aches and pains?
Does poor short term memory and concentration affect your ability to function at work?
Do you have allergies or sensitivities?
Do you suffer from depression, anxiety and/or mood swings?
The human body, in it’s innate wisdom, has an inbuilt natural detox function that removes toxic substances via the blood stream through the liver, kidneys and lower gastrointestinal tract. The liver attempts to keep the body cleansed of toxins however, over time, an accumulation of excess toxins means that this natural process becomes overloaded, resulting in some of the above-named symptoms.
Our 6 week Inner Cleansing Program is a gentle but effective way to help address this accumulation of toxins to regain your energy, vitality and help you feel ‘lighter’ on all levels.
HcG Weight Management Program
Based on the work and research of Dr Simeon’s, this program is a progressive Weight Management System that has changed many people’s lives and placed them on a pathway of healing and more fulfilling living.
Following a specific prototcol, with Naturopathic assistance, many clients have received amazing results.
“Struggling with my weight for some time, feeling lethargic and bloated, I decided to give the program a try. I lost 10 kg’s in 3 weeks and am now full of energy and all the bloating that I experienced on a daily basis has gone. Six months later, I have managed to stay the same weight. I am so grateful for this program”……DM, 2019
Food Detective Test
Food Intolerances are not life threatening but can make the sufferer feel extremely unwell. Symptoms of food intolerance can be delayed for many hours or even days and for this reason is often difficult to identify the problem foods.
Food Detective tests for 59 commonly eaten foods and is performed in clinic to give you results the same day.
Further Optional Testing Available
Selected Functional Pathology Testing, eg MTHFR
Hair Mineral Analysis
Salivary Hormone Testing